Aftermarket Monday December 2019
March 25, 2020 2:06 pmAftermarket Monday December 2019
Winter 2019 – Social Media Posts
For weekly essential tips on aftermarket services regarding your Ship & Shore RTO and Pollution Control Equipment, follow our social media accounts.
#AftermarketMonday As the end of the year draws near, our Ship & Shore field service technicians are busier than ever visiting customer sites and ensuring each unit is properly maintained. Please take note of our available Aftermarket Services:
– Spare Parts
– PM Inspections
– Electrical/Controls Upgrades
– Repairs and Replacements
– Burner Tuning
– Energy Efficiency Assessments
– Heat Recovery Options
– Air Permit Modifications
– Plant Optimization Services
– Upgrades & Retrofits
#AftermarketMonday Tip: With the end of the year approaching, now would be an ideal time for your team to take an inventory of your spare parts. Contact our Service Department team today for more information or for an updated list of your required spare parts – (562) 997-0233 or service@shipandshore.com.
#AftermarketMonday A friendly, but necessary, reminder to upkeep maintenance on all your system air filters. Speak with our Aftermarket Service Team today for more tips and tricks to ensure your unit is running at optimum efficiency.
Leave the old in 2019 and upgrade to the new and improved this 2020! With the new year underway, now would be the perfect time to upgrade all of your oxidizer components. #AftermarketMonday Awareness: Ship & Shore Environmental offers RTO upgrades and retrofits such as PLC/HMI/Programming Upgrades, Controls and Instrumentation Upgrades, Integrated VPN for Remote Assessment, Oxidizer Refurbishment and Replacement, Burner Retrofits, Heat Recovery Upgrade, and more.
We support your growth, and so do our RTOs! Each of our oxidizers have been custom engineered to fit your existing process – but did you know we also design for future expansion of your operations? As a part of our Ship & Shore family we genuinely want you and your company to GROW, and when you do, most likely your RTO will be able to grow with you. #AftermarketMonday TIP: Find out from our Aftermarket Service Team if your oxidizer has room for extra capacity. This will maximize your investment as well as avoid the unnecessary costs and efforts associated with replacing your RTO.
Typically involved in an RTO capacity increase is: a controls upgrade, a bigger fan to allow for extra air flow, and re-balancing of the unit after modifications.
Not sure where to start for your EPA Air Quality Permit? #AftermarketMonday TIP: Have qualified and experienced engineers take care of the air quality permit application for your plant. We have a team that can easily assist you with any new air quality permits, or any air quality permit modifications you may need.
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