This Week at Ship & Shore – Our Service Department Keeping Customers On-Line
June 19, 2024 9:54 amThis Week at Ship & Shore - Our Service Department Keeping Customers On-Line
Keeping air pollution control equipment operating to regulatory expectations requires routine maintenance and care. Generally this is manifested in a comprehensive Preventive Maintenance Program. In addition to the recommended day to week to monthly checks on your equipment as highlighted in the maintenance manual, Ship & Shore recommends a yearly Preventive maintenance inspection by a qualified SSE technician.
Preventive Maintenance starts with an in-house review of your oxidizer and process diagram followed by an audit of the system’s operation. Customers receive a detailed report with recommendations for improving performance, reliability, and safety, upon completion of the inspection service.
S&SE PM Inspections are broken down into the following categories but may vary based on type of equipment and model:
- Internal & External Mechanical Inspection
- Electrical Inspection
- Process Control Analysis
- Check Critical Parameters
- Spare Parts Inventory
Download a list of common RTO alarms & troubleshooting examples.
At Ship & Shore Environmental, Inc., we are always committed to provide our customers with our best services available, either in troubleshooting or in new designs to increase the capacity of the unit to adapt to new production environments.
Our service number is +1 (562) 997-0233, 8:30-4:30 Pacific Time Zone.
After hours, please call +1 (562) 477-7557 or +1 (562) 400-4439
Our E-mail is Service@ShipandShore.com
Categorised in: Air pollution, Industry news, News, News, Ship & Shore, TechTalk