Who is next?

August 31, 2012 5:50 pm Published by


 SACRAMENTO -University of California and California State  Universities may have to pay $28 million dollar per year to offset their greenhouse gases.

Many business people blame the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, also known as Assembly Bill 32, as a cause that is demolishing the California economy and pushing industries to move out of state. This new program tries to shrink emissions and establish a market for carbon credits. Cap and trade program will help California business meet the mandated reductions for greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020, as authorized by the Global Warming Solutions Act.

Businesses the implement technologies to reduce emissions will require less carbon credits than those that don’t and will need to pay for additional carbon credits to meet 1990 emission mandate.  These financial incentives will drive heavy industries and other big business to invest in cleaner technology.

Officials for both the UC and CSU systems noted that“ their institutions support reducing greenhouse gas emissions — but they have also pushed for legislative or regulatory changes that would relieve some of the financial burden of complying with the law.

“The University supports the creation of a greenhouse gas cap-and-trade program, but is concerned that it is being disproportionately impacted by the proposed cap-and-trade rule and that its compliance costs will ultimately be borne by students, researchers, and patients to the detriment of teaching, research, and healthcare activities,” wrote Anthony Garvin of the UC Office of the president in a 2010 letter to the California Air Resources Board, the entity responsible for implementing AB 32.

Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff of Diamond Bar, whose district includes part of Orange County, said “We should not be saddling our institutions of higher learning with yet more costs that could be avoided,”

“Since 2008-09, the University has lost over $1 billion in State funding,” said UC spokeswoman Brooke Converse in an email. “On top of these absolute cuts, the University has had to address significant rising costs to the tune of about $350 million a year that the State would normally have funded. No amount of preparation for the AB 32 obligations could be adequate under these circumstances.”

There are about $6.3 million to $25 million was compliance in all UC system-$2.1 million to $ 8.4 million for UCLA, about $1.6 million,  $6.2 million for UC San Diego, and, $718,000 to $2.9 million For UC Irvine-

Carbon market is not set yet but $10 to $40 per credit is expected.

There are five campuses and one medical center with enough greenhouse emissions to qualify for cap and trade. Who is next?



BRIAN JOSEPH (Aug. 20, 2012), THE ORANGE COUNTY REGISTER,  retrieved from  https://www.ocregister.com/articles/million-369041-state-cap.html


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