Made in China: Up to a quarter of California smog

January 30, 2014 11:07 pm Published by

“It is well known that much of the carbon dioxide produced by Chinese factories can be attributed to US goods, implying that the US is partially responsible for China’s growing greenhouse gas emissions. But no one had yet looked at smog.” Lin’s collaborator Dabo Guan of the University of Leeds in the UK, noted that “People in the US and other rich, industrialised countries consume more resources than the global average, so they are responsible for a larger proportion of global pollution emissions.”Emissions can only be effectively mitigated if our lifestyle in the West can be transformed to a sustainable level.”It is easy to blame countries like the US for outsourcing their factories, China does benefit economically. Read more

Ref, Catherine Brahic, 2014, “Made in China: Up to a quarter of California smog” retrieved from


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