Innovative Ideas and Environmental Solutions for the Flexographic Industry at Drupa 2016
June 3, 2016 4:54 pmInnovative Ideas and Environmental Solutions for the
Flexographic Industry at Drupa 2016

It’s all action here at this year’s Drupa event in Dusseldorf, the traditionally every four – now every three – year gathering of the global print industry. The forces of change in the world of print have got this year’s Drupa participants actively searching for answers and looking for ways to innovate and grow their businesses.
The sense of urgency to re-invent and re-fire opportunities in print is palatable at the event, and clearly articulated in this year’s ‘Touch the Future’ tag line.
Drupa is a ‘big’ event with 17 halls of the Messe Dusseldorf crowded with over 300,000 visitors. It feels busy and the participants appear to be very enthusiastic about what is here to experience. So, what trends have got everyone fired up?
The conference programme at Drupa, known as the Drupa cube has been designed so as to focus on the intersections of print industry technologies and market segments. The cube’s keynotes were delivered by Frans Johansson, CEO of The Medici Group and author of the The Medici Effect. The programme’s more than 40 sessions brought print leaders from within the industry’s different sub-sectors together to discuss where intersectional opportunities might exist in the print industry.
The most interesting thing about Drupa is how the 60+ year old event is still able to re-invent itself. Drupa and its exhibitors are well aware that the print industry is undergoing a radical transformation, and they are embracing the future head on.
As an environmental equipment supplier to many in the flexographic industry we are well known for providing regenerative thermal oxidizers to reduce solvent emissions from printing operations. It has been a great show introducing new technologies and innovative ideas for where the printing industry is headed and Ship & Shore is staying on leading edge with environmental and compliance solutions.
Read the full story on the highlights from drupa 2016 by clicking here.
Call or Email us today to see how current and coming regulations may affect your manufacturing application. Your project may be eligible for significant cash incentives from energy efficiency programs! Call 562.997.0233 or EMAIL us by clicking here.
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