Anoosheh Oskouian Featured in Modern Luxury Magazine
November 12, 2017 7:15 pmAnoosheh Oskouian Featured in Modern Luxury Magazine
This article originally appeared in Modern Luxury Magazine in the month of October.
The Globalist
Anoosheh Oskouian is promoting arts and culture here and abroad.
This is a woman who used to walk into executive offices at manufacturing plants to talk about getting rid of pollutants. “They always thought I was the secretary,” Anoosheh Oskouian says with a grin. “No, no. I am the chemical engineer.”

Her Ship & Shore Environmental firm is in high demand worldwide. She’s spending much time now in China, where new regulations are forcing companies to reduce pollution. But Oskouian has another interest that’s equally important: promoting the arts. She once arranged for Iranian musicians to perform with the Pacific Symphony.
She serves on its board of directors, but much of her work is through the Farhang Foundation, which celebrates Iranian art and culture, and recently gifted The Freedom Sculpture to L.A. She calls it the “Statue of Liberty West,” to honor religious freedom and cultural diversity. To stay ahead of the Iranian revolution, her parents sent her to America at age 14 to live with relatives so she could pursue her studies. Says Oskouian: “My parents gave me the wings to fly. I hope that someday the borders will not stop other young people from experiencing what I’ve experienced.”
To view the complete story, click here.
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