#TechTalk – Maximizing Destruction Efficiency – New or Retrofit Application
September 4, 2024 10:12 am#TechTalk - Maximizing Destruction Efficiency – New or Retrofit Applications
Over the years, Federal, State, and local regulatory jurisdictions have been known to evolve on emissions (tighter restrictions) as industry growth expands in poorer air quality regions. Depending on environmental permit status, a change in technology may be needed to enhance destruction efficiency with control devices. Until recently, 98% destruction efficiency has been the general threshold for most VOC control applications. But there has been a shift to higher standards – greater than 99% destruction efficiency needs. (Note: Hazardous Air Pollutants, chlorinated, fluorinated, etc. components are generally held to a much higher expectations, generally 99% plus to 99.9% destruction efficiency.)
Direct Fired Thermal oxidizer technologies can achieve these higher requirements but generally come with an operational energy cost penalty. More efficient Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer technology (over the years) have been designed to meet 95% (older units) to 98% destruction efficiency for newer designs – Unfortunately falling short of new requirements.
As higher destruction efficiencies are becoming the norm, Ship & Shore Environmental has adapted our standard two tower design to achieve the needed 99% plus requirements. With the addition of some basic recirculation ductwork, uncontrolled emissions from the two tower technology (lost emissions to atmosphere during valve change) can be added to demonstrate the higher 99% plus destruction efficiency. Simple ductwork and dampers that can be installed to existing equipment expeditiously minimizing expensive production downtime.
This concept can be added to new RTO applications or to older technology to improve performance. Improved performance may be needed for updated permit needs, to destroy more VOCs due to increased production, or to supplement aging equipment technology which does not meet operational expectations.
Whether new construction or a retrofit application, Ship & Shore Environmental has the tools to keep your facility operating. Get in touch with Ship & Shore to see how we can improve your RTO destruction efficiency.
Reach out to us at sales@shipandshore.com or call our office in Signal Hill, CA at +1(562) 997-0233 to learn more.
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