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Tech Talk – Expanded Polystyrene Manufacturers Incorporate RTO Technology to Meet Clean Air Regulations

October 16, 2024 7:05 am Published by

Tech Talk - Expanded Polystyrene Manufacturers Incorporate RTO Technology to Meet Clean Air Regulations

Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) has become indispensable in our daily lives for its light weight, insulative, and protective properties. It’s a material (foam product) most commonly utilized in protective packaging but is finding more applications in engineering and construction applications overthrowing the conventional, time-consuming heavy materials and methods. Uses include architectural elements, automotive panels, lost foam parts, geofoam, flotation, and safety devices among others.

As a leading technology provider, Ship & Shore has left a vast imprint in the industry through innovative solutions. Ship & Shore designs and fabricates highly efficient abatement systems that reduce capital and operating expense – Metrics well received by process engineers and their management teams. As VOC regulatory conditions and corporate budgets tighten, low cost, durable, and flexible solutions are needed to reduce operational footprints.

EPS processes require customized abatement systems to manage high VOC emissions and meet environmental permit standards, targeting emissions from:

  • Bead Storage Areas
  • Bead Dump to Hopper
  • Pre-Expander Operations
  • Fluidized Bed Dryers
  • Block/Shape Mold Releases
  • Pre-puffed Silo Storage
  • Aging Rooms

Each source’s unique emission profile influences system design to align with regulatory needs, production hours, and VOC content (pentane levels). Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTOs) are preferred for their 98% VOC destruction efficiency at 1500°F. They feature two heat recovery chambers and can self-sustain on pentane BTUs, minimizing natural gas use.

Key Components of the Ship & Shore RTO System:

  • Process ductwork collection system
  • Pre-filtration for bead material
  • Inlet fan to draw VOC-laden air
  • Two ceramic heat exchange towers for energy recovery
  • Central combustion chamber for VOC destruction
  • Poppet valves to alternate airflow efficiently
  • Exhaust stack for atmospheric dispersion

New or upcoming expansion projects generally trigger new or expanded abatement needs. As a valued supplier to the industry, we develop technical solutions that meet the most stringent VOC regulatory requirements that are SAFE!!! Safety will always guide design and will remain Ship & Shore’s number one focus. We strive for the best available technology and by doing so, will always keep safety, schedule, capital cost, ease of maintenance, equipment longevity, and operating cost in mind before we make a project recommendation.

Reach out to us at or call our office in Signal Hill, CA at +1(562) 997-0233 to see if E-RTO benefits make sense for your operation.

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