News Releases – SSE helps Manufacturers with Pollution Compliance and Enforcement

March 11, 2016 12:01 am Published by

News Releases –Ship & Shore Environmental helps Manufacturers with Pollution Compliance and Enforcement

EPA Announces National Enforcement Initiatives for Coming Years

S&SE engineers are up to date and trained to understand current regulations and are innovative about cost effective environmental solutions.

Implementation of clean air and energy solutions has many environmental, regulatory and financial considerations. Utilize our team of experts to collect and analyze the data and correctly select the best equipment and services to bring your business into compliance while maximizing performance and profitability. EPA enforces federal and local laws with a focus on national environmental problems. EPA’s strategies are to increase compliance, utilizing new tools and enforcing the new laws & regulations. EPA addresses the different sources of pollution that directly effect public health & environmental threats to society. It includes but is not limited to:

  • The nation’s water, such as chemical and metal manufacturing, mining and food processing, etc. EPA’s focus on enforcing water pollution regulations are to improve compliance with Clean Water Act discharge permits & cut illegal pollution discharges to improve water quality.


  • Reducing risk of accidents, of release of chemical materials in chemical facilities. EPA’s focus on decreasing the risks of accidents by improving accident prevention measures and response capabilities.


  • Toxic air pollution such as leaks, flares, refineries, chemical plants and other industries that emit air pollutants. The EPA continues to address air pollution violations at facilities that emit or store hazardous waste.


“The EPA has achieved significant progress under its National Enforcement Initiatives:

  • More than 90 percent of cities with sewer systems have permits which put them on schedule to address untreated sewage discharges into America’s waterways.


  • About 59 percent of individual power generating units at coal-fired power plants have installed the required pollution controls.


  • The EPA has secured enforceable agreements to address violations at 539 facilities emitting toxic air pollution Since 2011.


  • The EPA has concluded 217 enforcement actions at concentrated animal feeding operations for violations of the Clean Water Act, and 196 enforcement actions at natural gas extraction and production sites Since 2011.

Ship & Shore Environmental, Inc., one of the world’s leading pollution abatement service providers, announced today that it will offer manufacturers Energy Recovery Assessments with recommended engineering solutions to meet the newest EPA Guidelines and save money simultaneously.

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To read more about EPA National Enforcement Initiatives, visit:
For more information about EPA’s Next Generation Compliance strategy, visit:

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