In dealing with capital equipment such as a thermal oxidizer, several items must be kept in mind to ensure the oxidizer is operating at optimum efficiency: make sure a proper maintenance plan is in place, have experienced and skilled personnel service your oxidizer system, and keep process expansion in mind.
Having a maintenance plan in place for your oxidizer ensures equipment longevity. A few items to keep in mind when devising your oxidizer maintenance plan:
Proper up-keep of an oxidizers incorporated system starts with a well-defined PM program. Systematic inspection and replacement of worn parts will minimize operational issues. PM Inspections reduce the risk of nuisance shutdowns and optimize the operation of your oxidizer. The Ship & Shore service team is highly trained in troubleshooting and maintenance of any brand of oxidizer. As the oxidizer is inspected thoroughly, existing problems and/or signs of future issues will be evaluated and recorded. Upon completion of the inspection, a written report will be submitted providing observations and recommendations for repairs and/or maintenance.
Oxidizers Incorporated | Repairs and Replacements
Ship & Shore has the capabilities to perform any necessary repairs or replacements identified during PM Inspections. We have trained technicians available on-site to make quick repairs and prevent costly downtime. Media as well as thermal insulation repairs and replacements can be performed if necessary. A list of recommended spare parts can be provided at preferred rates.
Oxidizer Upgrades and Optimizations
Oxidizer upgrades and modifications are available for any existing brand of oxidizer. Some of these include: electrical and program upgrades, burner tuning or retrofits, heat recovery options, and even process evaluation for energy efficiency optimization.
Ship & Shore oxidizers are uniquely engineered and designed. All of our designs are organically engineered in-house with the most innovative R&D team. Our Ship & Shore technicians are all experienced and specifically trained to service our units. Third party oxidizer service technicians will not know the innovative controls, our unique poppet valve design, and etc.
Operator training by Ship & Shore experts is important. Make sure your oxidizer personnel are trained correctly to handle it. Integrated VPN for remote assessment of your oxidizer is usually available in newer systems and can be implemented at minimal costs. This VPN allows Ship & Shore engineers to troubleshoot and assess your oxidizer from our own office without having to go to an actual site visit.
Our service team is quick, efficient, and have A+ customer service. We have decades of installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance experience. We constantly reach out for feedback because your customer satisfaction of our oxidizer is the most important priority to us.
As part of the Ship & Shore family, your growth is our growth. We design our systems with your process expansion in mind. These oxidizers incorporated come with a design provision for heat exchanger, provision for a hot bypass, and are always sized for a larger capacity.
We can also buy back your existing systems and use them as credit towards a newer unit to fit your process. Do not let the capacity of your current oxidizer stray you away from expanding. Ship & Shore can also handle all the air permitting associated with plant, process, and facility expansions as far as the oxidizer is concerned.
An oxidizer is an investment, so let other people handle your investment for you – the right way. Quality systems need quality control and personnel to maintain the integrity of your oxidizer.