Solvent Distillation Services
Solvent recycling is difficult and dirty. Purchasing a solvent recycler has always been an expensive investment; one that you hoped would save you money in the long run. But as the days add up where your machine sits idle due to maintenance issues, staffing issues, or because your operator just doesn’t want to do a difficult, dirty job, you’re no longer saving the money you thought you would. You’re leaking value. Add this to the fact that as your recycler ages, the quality and yield of your solvent inevitably declines. Now you’re left with an asset that even if it does run, it doesn’t run well.
For most customers, solvent recycling is not their top priority. It is not the place that they want to deploy capital or devote management attention. Service365 takes care of it all for you.
With Service365 you get:
- CleanPlanet’s innovative recycling equipment at no charge (no investment / CAPEX required).
- Shipping, commissioning, initial optimization, and employee certification / training at no charge.
- All ongoing maintenance and repair (parts and labor included).
- 24/7 monitoring by the CleanPlanet operations team.
- Ongoing, continuous up-time and yield optimization.
- Access to our Athena data platform for real-time performance management and reporting.
- Ability to upsize your recycling unit at no cost as your business grows.
- All future upgrades to the CleanPlanet recycling technologies.
- Ability to purchase the unit at any time, if desired.
- Implementation of solvent recycling best practices.
Instead of investing in all of the above, you simply pay by the gallon for the clean solvent that is produced at a guaranteed savings. With Service365, CleanPlanet handles all the details so you can save money and focus on what you do best.