PM 2.5 (fine particulate) standard

August 3, 2012 12:54 pm Published by

AQMD Releases Draft 2012 Air Quality Management Plan

July 19, 2012According to the federal 24-hour PM2.5 (fine particulate) standard, AQMD must continue to enforce regulation plan to meet the air quality standard goals by 2023.William A. Burke, Ed.D., AQMD’s Governing Board Chair said that “It’s crucial that we continue the momentum toward improving air quality and protecting the health of all 16 million Southern Californians”. He claim that “This plan maps out the path to clean air while employing the most efficient measures, minimizing socioeconomic impacts and promoting fair-share responsibility from all stakeholders.”The major AQMD plan focus on nitrogen oxide emission reductions from the Regional CLean Air Incentives Market (RECLAIM) program and improvements to AQMD’s residential wood burning and open burning limitation programs. Some of these reductions with result from increase of energy efficiency projects throughout the region.
The federal 24-hour PM2.5 puts more effort on control particles that are smaller than 2.5 microns in diameter. Diesel soot as well as others elements are forming NOx in the atmosphere. These particles are then deposited deep in lung tissue, enhancing death rate and impacting on the wide range of other health issue for California population.
Concurrent with reaching the 2012 AQMD plan, the AQMD, the state Air Resources Board, and San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District are coordinating strategies that are needed to meet California’s multiple air quality and climate goals.
Recently, AQMD has introduced four workshops to announce the draft 2012 AQMD to the public.South Coast AQMD, July 19, 2012 “AQMD Releases Draft 2012 Air Quality Management Plan “ retrived from 



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