The 2024 FTA INFOLEX Exhibition is a leading Print Industry Tradeshow event that brings printers, suppliers, and consultants together to enhance all aspects of the flexographic printing industry. At the recent Kansas City event May 5th-8th, Ship & Shore Environmental was able get caught up with the latest technological advancements in the flexographic printing world, network with existing and potential new customers, and share our advancements within the VOC control industry. As always, State and Local environmental agencies are continuously tightening requirements on print industry air exhaust emissions, and overall by-products of abatement systems. As a leading provider of Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) technology, Ship & Shore takes pride in our relationships within the industry and understanding customer needs to maintain compliance. Keep Ship & Shore Environmental in mind as you build-out new or expand current press and laminator operations. We can assist with all aspects of an expansion project – Environmental Permitting, Abatement Equipment Selection, Collection System Engineering, Incentive / Rebate Recovery Monies, and Compliance Testing Consulting. |