Sharing S&SE Air Pollution Abatement Technology with our Clean Tech RTO at Drupa 2016
June 2, 2016 3:45 pmSharing S&SE Air Pollution Abatement Technology with our
Clean Tech RTO at Drupa 2016

Ship & Shore CEO & President, Anoosheh Oskouian is at Drupa 2016, the world largest printing show and highlights technological advances in printing.
Ship & Shore works with a number of flexographic companies that produce printed wrapping and packaging materials for the floral, gift, food and confectionery industries. We are working with partners and customer at drupa 2016 this year to provide state-of-the-art VOC abatement system for the printing industry. We often with our flexographic clients in every phase of equipment selection from presses to heat recovery and solvent emission destruction to ensure compliance and the highest efficiency.
While at drupa 2016 I am sharing the expertise of the S&SE team of engineers and technicians visit our flexographic customers facility to observe the manufacturing processes and to take flow, temperature and VOC concentration measurements. After review of the data collected by our engineering team, a recommendations are made to address all the areas of concern including emission and energy sources as well as possible waste heat.
The recommended solution often include a regenerative thermal oxidizer (RTO), VOC collection system, mixing box, and permanent total enclosure to capture and destroy the VOC emissions. The RTOs unique system design provides for an extremely energy-efficient operation. Through the use of two built-in heat exchange chambers with high-quality structured ceramic heat recovery media approximately 95% of the heat of combustion generated by the oxidation process, which destroys the collected VOCs, is recovered to minimize RTO operating fuel requirements. In addition, to further reduce oxidizer fuel consumption, the custom designed VOC collection system and permanent total enclosure (PTE) provide for optimal collection of the VOCs from each emission source in the facility. The BTUs (fuel) contributed by the VOCs collected often provide for self-sustaining operation of the RTO, allowing the burner to be shut-off after the oxidizer is brought up to operating temperature and the process emissions are brought online. A variable frequency drive (VFD) for the main process blower and mixing box is also used to modulate the emissions from the various emission sources to optimize energy conservation of the RTO as it operates under various conditions; modulating capacity as each sources is brought on and off-line. During the engineering design phase, all equipment dimensions and weights are finalized and reviewed with the customer for best configuration at the installation site.
The preliminary design for the RTO (renergerative thermal oxidizer) allowed for installation in a given space with minimal interruption to the existing manufacturing operations during start-up and commissioning. S&SE is an instrumental partner in assisting the flexographic industry and customers in assisting the customer with the application process for cash incentives based on the energy-efficiency of the RTO, to date we have helped our customers receive over 7 million dollars in rebates towards energy efficient equipment such as regenerative thermal oxidizers.
Ship & Shore helps manufacturers maintain compliance with complete environmental solutions for air pollution abatement and energy and heat recovery systems for maximum efficiency and cost effective operations.
Call or Email us today to see how current and coming regulations may affect your manufacturing application. Your project may be eligible for significant cash incentives from energy efficiency programs! Call 562.997.0233 or EMAIL us by clicking here.
Categorised in: Air pollution, Energy, EPA, Events, News, Technical