Scrubber Maintenance Upgrade
September 10, 2018 8:53 pmScrubber Maintenance Upgrade

A meat processing facility with smoke houses contacted Ship & Shore Environmental to help them with local neighborhood odor complaints.
Their poorly designed Scrubber on the roof did not allow access to clean the mist eliminator pad. The mist eliminator pad plugged over time with grease and particulate matter. The increased air velocity through remaining open space of the mist eliminator pad reduced the efficiency and neighbors complained increasingly about the odor.
Ship & Shore Environmental installed an additional access door 15 feet above ground to enable the maintenance staff to clean the mist eliminator with a pressure washer and reestablish the facilities good relationship with their neighbors.
Avoid compliance issues – Contact Ship & Shore Environmental Maintenance Department to schedule your Air Pollution Control equipment Preventive Maintenance program or to enhance your current maintenance operation. For more information on our aftermarket services, please contact (562) 997-0233 or visit our website at www.shipandshore.com
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