February Webinar Recap: Industry Experts Discuss Solutions for Global Air Pollution
February 17, 2022 9:42 amFebruary Webinar Recap: Industry Experts Discuss Solutions for Global Air Pollution
Over the years, Ship & Shore Environmental (S&SE) has been expanding its global presence as our team understands that air pollution is a global challenge that is a peril to the well-being of the earth and people’s health. To extend our expertise and provide clean air solutions for global challenges produced by rapid industrialization which contaminates air, water, and natural resources, we have been partnered with S&M International for the past few years. S&M International represents Ship & Shore Environmental in India, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East.
In addition to providing solutions for air pollution from industrial emissions and optimizing our customer’s operating costs, it is our goal to educate as many people as we can reach, because air pollution impacts us all. Recently, S&M International and Ship & Shore Environmental Teams collaborated once again to host a webinar, sharing thoughts and expertise in various regions and industries. It was discussed during this webinar that automotive repair shops throughout India are expected to be the next regulatory target, including the exhaust produced from individual shops along the road, as well as oil and grease disposal.
The turnout was great, as many thought leaders and various industry experts from refineries, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, and consulting companies joined our team to exchange thoughts and ideas. A Q&A session allowed attendees to address concerns specific to clean air technologies in India and shed light on the value of shipping from the U.S. by providing cost effective solutions while maximizing quality, despite the potential costs of shipping overseas. In this venture to expand global connections, S&SE hopes this push to improve air quality on a global scale can be expressed through these efforts to spread to new locations around the world.
S&M International will continue this conversation through a series of webinars to address specific topics within the industry and continue to share knowledge of the impacts of air pollution and the importance of preventing air pollution. Keep a look out for more information on our next webinar.
Categorised in: Air pollution, Climate Change, Media, News